
About admin

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So far admin has created 83 blog entries.

It takes a village by Amy Bradley

As president and CEO of the Cambria Regional Chamber of Commerce, people new to the area occasionally ask me, “Is there a drug problem?” My answer is always the same. “Yes, like every other community in the country, we do have those battling substance use disorder. However, one thing we have that many communities do


Healthy and safe community by Bill Kurtycz

The Richland Family Health Center is a federally qualified health center under the umbrella of Hyndman Area Health Center Inc. Our mission is to promote health and wellness to our patient population by providing patient-centered care that promotes engagement between the patient and the provider, leading to positive health care outcomes. Read More...


Teen Drinking Parties Targeted by Calem Illig

With the school year coming to a close, students are preparing for a summer full of parties and festivities. While many parents may feel inclined to “safely” allow teens to drink alcohol in their home, local officials warn there could be physical, mental and legal consequences. Read More...


Alcohol across the ages by Kimberly Gorman

Alcohol and drug use has become more prevalent in the United States in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 95,000 deaths are associated with excessive alcohol use in the United States. Read More...

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