
First Waves participants learn about drug prevention by Joshua Byers

Sporting a big smile, Portage resident Maddy Hudak, 16, floated back to the rocks at Greenhouse Park on Monday, having completed her first attempt at surfing the Stonycreek River. “It was really, really fun – a little nerve-wracking,” she said. “I hope the GoPro was recording because I want to see that later.” Read More...


DEA Take Back Day 4/24/21

DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, April 24th 2021 from 10am-2pm To find a site in Cambria County near you visit: https://takebackday.dea.gov/  


State will offer free naloxone next week By: David Hurst

State officials are distributing thousands of free kits of naloxone across Pennsylvania next week during a holiday season that often ushers in a surge in opioid overdoses. The Wolf administration is providing 5,000 kits of the opioid overdose reversal drug – each containing two doses of naloxone – to 80 locations across the state, including


Report: Drug overdose deaths on decline in Cambria County By: Jen Johnson

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WJAC) — Statistics show Cambria County lost 94 people to drug overdoses in 2016 -- 94 parents, siblings, children or friends. At the time, the county ranked second in the state per capita for overdose deaths. Since then, the number has declined. Last year, Cambria County saw a slight decrease, 87 deaths. So far


Cambria drug coalition: Collaboration building as region tackles crisis By Jocelyn Brumbaugh

NORTHERN CAMBRIA – Leaders of about a dozen subcommittees of the Cambria County Drug Coalition emphasized the importance of collaboration during a community update meeting Thursday. Avenues being taken to address the county's substance abuse problem include treatment, recovery, prevention, education and law enforcement. At Contres Greer Social Hall, Cambria County District Attorney Kelly Callihan

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