Receive a cash award and help our Cambria County Crime Stoppers!
If you report drug activity, you can receive a reward up to $5,000! Your identity will not be revealed; it’s safe to call. Please help our Cambria County Crime Stoppers! YOU can make a difference!
If you have information, please call:
(800) 548-7500.
Johnstown Police Department 411 Tip Line – 100% Anonymous
1) Download free Johnstown PD App for Iphone and Android to submit anonymous tips from a smartphone.
2) Send a text message to 847411, then type the keyword JPD, add a space, type your tip info, and hit send.
3) Visit the website at

Support the Cambria County Drug Coalition and Crime Stoppers by picking up your yard sign at the following locations:
Cambria County Drug Coalition’s Office
1 Pasquerilla Plaza
Floor 2, Suite 126
Johnstown, PA 15901
Representative Rigby’s Office
1021 Ferndale Ave.
Johnstown, PA 15905
Representative Burn’s Office
535 Fairfield Ave.
Johnstown, PA 15905
District Attorney’s Office
200 South Center St.
Ebensburg, PA 15931